Token Stats
Name: ANT Coin
Symbol: $ANTC
Initial minted supply at launch: 100 000 000
Initial circulating supply at launch:
Launch price goal: $0.05
How to buy $ANTC?
Private Sale
Public Sale IDO
Market: Using the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) & CEX
$ANTC Supply
$ANTC supply hard cap is 200 000 000. Its supply fluctuates when:
$ANTC is minted and distributed as rewards for Workforce or Boss fights.
$ANTC is burned when fees are received from Leveling ground, Food gathering, Tasks, or in-game assets (Basic ANT, Purse, Leveling potion, and Lottery Ticket) are purchased.
100% of $ANTC received from fees will be burned. 20% of assets received from in-game purchases and ANT purchases are used to buy back $ANTC, which is then burned. Another 60% is directed towards the treasury, while the remaining 20% covers ongoing ecosystem expenses. This approach eliminates the need to sell $ANTC to fund marketing activities, thus preventing selling pressure on the token.
Moreover, 40% of the funds that flow into the treasury are utilized to acquire more LP tokens, while the remaining 60% is invested in blue-chip assets, providing stability and sustainability to the protocol.
Last updated